Sunday, December 4, 2011


It's begining of December and all the Christmas decorations and songs are coming out in full force.
The year has flown by and I can't say that I feel I have done anything to amazing this year and I have no good excuses to why not either...

Well it's time I take responsiblity for me and me alone. Who else is going to do it?

I watch my great friend Claire, with her blog and her photography and she is amazing. She takes the most amazing photos.  I am so jealous that I don't have more time to spend on my photography.

But then as I was saying I have to pull myself towards my self and stop moaning.

And so as the year starts rolling to a close I start thinking of all the "New Year Resolutions" I would like to bring into my life.....

Monday, October 24, 2011

time to get my ass moving

Been MIA again!

It sucks when life takes hold and you get swept away with no control of where you end up! But that's only if you allow it to, being lazy and not caring about the moment also adds to it all.

But the lucky thing is that each new day brings a new chance to start fresh and take control.
And today I have decided to try take control of my life again.

If i can do my first 5km, then I should be able to do anything.

As the sun sets on today and the last light fades, I look to the morning to bring new inspiration and hope of making all my dreams come true

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Planning for the future

I am so keen to start running for serious! I have tried but being the lazy slob that I am I never get any where!

But now I'm going to register for the KFM 5km Gunrun on the 9 October!
So I need to get my running shoes on and start getting fit! And start enjoying all the benefits before summer!!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I am determined to make this blog work! Tried tumbler on my Blackberry but didn't have the same feel, so I'm back.

Life has been hectic! So many decision to make, but things never seem to come right! Or at least that's how it feels!

Positive thinking is the way forward but that's not always so easy to do when you feeling down!

Read in a article that there is only do or do not - trying does not exists!
So I am going to try that as my new life motto!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Been missing in action for quite some time now! But have re-discovered my path back. A lot has happened since my last post! I moved back to Cape Town, started my new job, turned a shocking 26! And my boyfriend has just moved back to Cape Town too. So very exciting! But this year is flying by, I can't believe how fast this year is going. I mean it's April already! That means I really need to get my butt into gear and make the most of this year! No more sitting around doing nothing! Time to kick 2011 into gear! Going to work out a sort of 2011 bucket list! Will let you know the results of the brain storming session!